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Rideshare Sexual Assault

What You Need to Know About Rideshare Sexual Assault

Who’s Responsible for a Rideshare-Related Assault? What Should One Do After an Uber or Lyft Sexual Assault? Why Should a Victim Hire a Lawyer?

Ride-Share Services

Report Reveals Sexual Assault Incidents in Ride-Share Services

A recent report from Uber acknowledged that physical and sexual assaults have become a common occurrence before, during or after a rideshare service, and Lyft passengers are speaking out against the company for ignoring complaints of sexual assault and rape. If you or a family member have suffered a preventable attack, our negligent security attorneys will work to get you the compensation you need and deserve.

Motociclista Responsable

Consejos Para Ser Un Motociclista Responsable

La forma en que se prepare antes de comenzar su recorrido marca la gran diferencia para que llegue a su destino de manera segura.

Motorcycles Division

4 Motorcycle Safety Quick Tips from Our Motorcycles Division

Bike Safety Quick Tips from Our Motorcycles Division

Texting and Driving

New Texting and Driving Ban Effective in Florida

Florida implemented a new texting and driving ban to change the culture of driving in Florida and decrease the number of vehicle accidents on our roads. These rules became effective July 1st.

Road Safety

Why FL Ranked Among Worst States for Road Safety—And Here’s What Needs to Change

A recent report by the Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety shows Florida road safety laws need tweaking.

Medical Malpractice


The Florida Supreme Court, in The Deaf Academy v. Townes, opined in April 2018, that plaintiffs should not be subjected to the complex pre-suit procedures for medical malpractice claims when it appears to be a matter of ordinary negligence. Recognizing the present procedures under Florida law are expensive and onerous, but still necessary to encourage early settlements and weed out frivolous medical malpractice claims, Justice Pariente, writing for the Court, explains any “doubt” as to whether a claim is for ordinary negligence or medical malpractice should be “generally resolved in favor of the claimant.”

Amendment 5 (“State Courts”)

Amendment 5 (“State Courts”) Bad for Floridians

Florida middle school students know why a separation of powers is crucial to a legitimate government, but Amendment 5 apparently doesn’t get it. Now, Florida voters hold that precious balance in their hands on Election Day, which could spell disaster for the future of law-making in our state. Vote NO...


Florida’s Highest Court is Under Political Attack

Three of Florida’s Supreme Court justices are up for merit retention, but out-of-state lobbyists and extreme political interests are working to oust the judges for political control of our courts. If successful, it would mean MONEY and POWER will influence our courts, rather than impartial understanding of the law....

Employment Law

Employment Law Cases on the Rise

Florida wage and hour cases are increasing and expected to continue with the sweeping changes in healthcare reform. Here, at the Law Offices of Robert Rubenstein, our employment law caseload has gone up as laid-off workers are filing more discrimination and employment-related lawsuits against their former employers....

Car Accident

Florida Among States With Highest Car Accident Fatalities

Florida drivers face some daunting new statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). A study, out this week, found fatal car accidents are more likely to occur in the southern United States. Orlando and Miami were among cities with high car accident death rates. Perhaps not surprisingly, young drivers...


Florida Governor Orders Investigation in Deadly Truck Pileup

A 62-acre Florida brush fire is being blamed in the I-75 truck and car pileup that took 10 lives and injured dozens more this weekend, but new information has the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) under fire for its decision to re-open the highway to more traffic after the first crash. FHP...

Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Rights Eroding

As a Miami Accident Attorney, I know that “accidents” doesn’t just refer to car accidents. Each year, thousands of Florida patients fall victim to “medical accidents” in hospitals and medical offices. What’s more, most of these accidents are preventable....

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